Colors on Parade is a simple, yet beautiful arrangement of flowers that will add pops of color to your home! Primary colors make this arrangement a bold statement that is sure to bring life to any room. Keep it bright with red gerberas, yellow Asiatic lilies, blue iris, yellow button poms, and lavender ‘Monte Casino’ aster.
Shown at $65.00
Rectangular Vase, Foliage: Seeded Eucalyptus, Variegated Aspidistra Leaf, Red Gerberas, Yellow Asiatic Lilies, Blue Iris, Yellow Button Poms, Lavender Monte Casino Aster.
Colors on Parade is a simple, yet beautiful arrangement of flowers that will add pops of color to your home! Primary colors make this arrangement a bold statement that is sure to bring life to any room. Keep it bright with red gerberas, yellow Asiatic lilies, blue iris, yellow button poms, and lavender ‘Monte Casino’ aster.
Shown at $65.00